

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23


1. 合法的、正当的、法律允许的

2. 非虚假的、非常好的、好质量的、很酷的

I'm not getting involved if the bussiness isn't legit.


The new iphone 10 seems legit !

新款的iphone 10 好像很不错哦!

The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up ? It's Mr.wong here. Let's talk about three of the world's strangest foods. Starting at number 1 : Land snails. Land snails are part of the European cuisine. It is no secret that many people find snails to be delicious as an appetizer or as a main course.  When cooked, snails are prepared with garlic and parsley butter, added for seasoning, and served with their shell. They are very expensive because they are considered a delicacy. Number 2 : "tong zi dan" or often referred to as "virgin boy eggs". Every spring in the city of Zhejiang Dongyang, eggs are boiled in the urine or peepee of young school boys, talkin about weird huh ? That's something I probably wouldn't try...... And number 3 : This one's my favorite, fried spiders from Cambodia. Now I know it sounds disgusting, but fried tarantulas are legit. They're deep fried, then wok sautéed with sugar, salt, chilies and garlic. MMmMMMmm taste just like crab. Okay, let's talk about the word of the day which is "legit". Check it out !





答:语言会跟着时代不断地变化,我们的中文也如此,经常会有很多新的单词、网络语言或流行用语出现。很多同学都跟我们说:「为什么外国朋友说的英语我听不懂?为什么看电影或美剧的时候,不明白什么意思?」。这是因为在日常生活中,英语母语者很多时候也会用到slang, 同学们如果没有学过这些,那很自然地会听不懂呀!我们偶然会跟同学们分享一些地道的slang或口语,原因就是希望除了推广正规的英语以外,更可以跟同学们分享一下时下流行的英语,「活的英语」,这个绝对会对大家的「听力」有帮助的,我们用心良苦呀!


